Intense. Radiant. Brilliant. Expressive.

11:45 AM

A Call to Worship...A Call to Answer

Posted by Candace |


     I’ve had this Jason Upton song, FLY, on repeat all morning and I realize that my soul is craving an outpouring of God’s spirit…His hand…His touch and not just for me but also for those around me. Corporate prayer. Corporate miracles. Corporate breakthrough. Corporate repenting.

     My heart longs to see His people free. Free to fly, to soar, to breathe, to dream, to have joy, to be whole. I feel everything in me wanting to run and shout “Listen! There is a GREAT GOD who loves you! Who will forgive you, heal you, restore you, make you whole and turn your life around. There is a man, named Jesus that died for us and took every sin known and unknown to man upon His shoulders and died the death we should have so we may live the life HE should have. Conquered death and is ALIVE with all power in his hands. There is a purpose for our life. It’s never too late or too much for God.”

     I know we should not live only for the moments when God reveals himself in a tangible manner. You know… the fog descending or everyone being “slain in the spirit” but I don’t believe it is wrong to want to see Him manifest himself this way. It sometimes feels as if the days of being in church and being so engulfed in worship and praising our Lord that we never get to the sermon are behind us or forgotten or just doesn’t fit in the schedule. That corporate outcry and surrender is Taboo and schedules must be kept to get God’s message across as opposed to just sitting in God. Do people still get together outside of church to worship and pray together anymore or must we wait until we are cued on Sunday morning to stand, stretch and yawn and stare at the stage waiting for the Team to put us in the mood to worship God? Do we only wait to fill up on Sunday morning once worship has taken place and a great word has been given or do we come with something to give as well? Yes, there is a time and a place for all of this, for our God is a God of order but he is also a non-conventional, out-of-the-box, beyond our understanding God and we must always leave room to allow Him to amaze us and even throw off our schedules…as uncomfortable as that can make us…INCLUDING MYSELF. There was such a sweet moment...peaceful moment at the Gungor concert I went to last week and it was a great reminder that it's ok to not stick to the "plan" and run with whatever idea the Holy Spirit has placed in your heart. It wasn't planned, slightly awkward but amazingly powerful.

     I pray that we come back to the Heart of worship - whatever worship looks like for you. That we will refocus our lives on JESUS and not on our families, work, problems, etc. though these things are also of great importance. That our loved ones will get an overflow of our time with God. An overflow of love, energy, patience, understanding, wisdom, laughter…We must get back to a place where all of our needs are met in Christ and that we are open to God using us to bless one another, help one another, pray for one another. There should not be a need among us and yet it seems we all have a need that someone else could probably meet if they were willing, be it money, babysitting, compassion, food, shelter, etc. I want to get back to James 5:14-15 - “Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.

     We need our Prayer Warriors back. Our Prophets back. Our Encouragers back. Our Teachers back. Our Leaders back. Our Fathers and Mothers back. Our Husbands and our Wives back. Our Children back. Our Brothers and Sisters back.

     I call you out…I call US out. To step up to the Call. To come out of the cowering darkness. To raise our chins and lift our eyes to look ahead and not behind us. We must go! We must answer the call with knocking knees and trembling hearts and speak with stammering words but nonetheless, GO!

     Lord, hear my prayer, hear our prayers, that you would give us the courage to love, follow and proclaim you OUTLOUD. That YOU in us will ring louder than the world around us. - Amen

