Intense. Radiant. Brilliant. Expressive.

8:28 PM

Facebook, May I?

Posted by Candace |


     Do you remember the game "Mother, May I?" The premise of the game is you stand about 20 feet away from the "mother," she gives you permission to do something, you respond with "Mother, may I?" and in turn you are allowed to move forward. The first to reach the mother wins. Where am I going with this?

Glad you asked.

     The Facebook phenomenom is starting to get to me. Mind you, I appreciate the updates, ability to stay in touch with people and just the fun of sharing silly quotes, pics and comments together BUT what I do not like is that some people do not take things as official or deem it as important if it's not announced, published, updated, or posted on Facebook. Why is that? Why does it have to be on FB to be real? My constant response to these comments or inquiries is that Facebook does not rule my life. Am I an avid FB user? Yes. I love being on this particular social network and the hilarious comaraderie that takes place amongst my friends, especially during a redundant or aggravating work day but the constant "Why didn't you put it on FB?" or "Oh, so it must not or serious..." or "You're like inconspicuous. Why aren't there more pictures?" Initially, my feelings were hurt because it made me feel as if I'd done something wrong, judged even... especially by those I thought knew me better than that and should know I never do or not do anything without good reason, now it's just irritating.


     I do not feel I have to ask FB, persay, to legitamize what's important to me. There is no need to be suspicious of what I'm doing if I don't throw my entire life on the internet. I think I'm an extremely open person, sometimes waaaaaay too open, but some things that I hold dear to my heart, you may just not know about until I'm ready to share it with my own my own way. I promise it's nothing against anyone as a person, I'm just not necessarily one to always follow the trends. Maybe I'm just rebelling against technology, I don't know, lol, but it's my choice as much as it is yours.

     So the next time someone makes a similiar remark, please do not be surprised if I stare blankly at you, smile and give you the SAME response I've been having to give to so many others...

Facebook does not define my life.

